nessun file Analyses PFAS
To follow up

Objective PFAS Zero

Analyses PFAS

The Veneto Region has identified a series of initiatives to bring down and control PFAS concentrations in water intended for human consumption. Recently the DGR 691/2018 was issued which, by modifying the "Surveillance Plan on the population exposed to perfluoroalkyl substances", has redefined the areas of interest.

This site presents the results of the analyzes carried out by ARPAV on water intended for human consumption at the exit of the drinking water treatment plants, located in Brendola, Lonigo and Sarego, which serve, in whole or in part, the 30 municipalities falling within the area of Maximum Health Exposure (Red Zone).

For 21 of these municipalities, identified by the DGR 2133/2016, the previus DGR 1591/2017 has established that, over a period of six months, the values, of PFOA + PFOS must be less than or equal to 40 ng / L, thanks to the adoption of a series of interventions aimed at experimenting treatment technologies for the reduction of pollutant loads in water intended for human consumption.

Map of the municipalities included in the Area of Maximum Health Exposure

Values of PFAS in water intended for human consumption in samples taken at the exit of drinking water treatment plants

Date of water sampleManager at the water sample pointMunicipality of water sampleAssisted municipalitiesLinear PFOA and branched isomersLinear PFOS and branched isomersSomma di PFAS1PFHxA (Perfluoro Hexanoic Acid)PFHxS (Perfluoro Hexane Sulfonate)
11 September 2024 Acque del Chiampo Brendola Brendola (3)NQ NQ 0,059
11 September 2024 Acquevenete2 (ex CVS) Sarego Sarego Nord NQ NQ NQ
11 September 2024 Acque Veronesi Lonigo Agugliaro (4) - Albaredo d'Adige - Alonte - Arcole - Asigliano Veneto - Bevilacqua - Bonavigo - Borgo Veneto (4) - Boschi Sant'Anna - Cologna Veneta - Legnago - Lonigo (5) - Lozzo Atestino (4) - Megliadino San Vitale (4) - Minerbe - Montagnana - Noventa Vicentina - Orgiano - Poiana Maggiore - Pressana - Roveredo di Guà - Terrazzo - Val Liona (4) - Veronella - Zimella NQ NQ NQ
11 September 2024 Acquevenete2 (ex CVS) Lonigo Sarego Sud NQ NQ NQ

The municipalities of Casale di Scodosia, Merlara and Urbana, although included in the Area of Maximum Health Exposure, are not currently served by aqueducts network referred to in DGR 1591/2017.

(1) A seguito dell'entrata in vigore del DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 23 febbraio 2023 n. 18 avente titolo "Attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2020/2184 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 16 dicembre 2020, concernente la qualità delle acque destinate al consumo umano" da luglio 2023 i parametri Somma PFOA e PFOS e Somma altri PFAS esclusi PFOA e PFOS sono stati sostituiti dal parametro Somma di PFAS espresso in microgrammi/L (µg/L).
(2) Acquevenete was born on 1 December 2017 from the merger between Centro Veneto Servizi (CVS) and Polesine Acque
(3) the reported analyses refer to hilly and suburban areas.
(4) Interessata una frazione minima del comune
(5) From 16/07/2018 Lonigo is no longer served by Acque del Chiampo. The monitoring of the water quality served to the municipality of Lonigo is guaranteed by Acque Veronesi. The withdrawal point of Acque del Chiampo can be reactivated when necessary.

( NQ ) NQ: Not quantifiable. The substance or group of substances are below the quantification limit.

- NQ PFOA lineare e isomeri ramificati < 2 ng/L
- NQ PFOS lineare e isomeri ramificati < 2 ng/L
- NQ Somma di PFAS < 0,010 µg/L
- NQ PFHxA (Perfluoro Hexanoic Acid) < 2 ng/L
- NQ PFHxS (Perfluoro Hexane Sulfonate) < 2 ng/L

Sampling frequencies

Period Frequency
from 9 October to 3 November 2017 Daily (from Monday to Friday)
from 3 November to 3 December 2017 Bi-weekly (on Monday and on Thursday)
from 04 December 2017 to 14 November 2019 Weekly (on Thursday)
from 15 November to 12 December 2019 Fortnightly (on Thursday)
from 13 December 2019 Monthly (on Thursday)

Change filters (for PFAS) Drinking Water Management Plants
Updated 11 September 2024

Manager at the water sample point Municipality of water sample Change filters Date
Acque del Chiampo Brendola Last filter change:
Filter 1 : 26 May 2024
Filter 2 : 26 May 2024
Filter 3 : 26 May 2024
Acquevenete2 (ex CVS) Sarego Last filter change:
Filter 1 : 16 July 2024
Filter 2 : 03 September 2024
Filter 3 : 20 August 2024
Acque Veronesi Lonigo Last filter change:
Filter 1 : 09 August 2024
Filter 2 : 08 August 2024
Filter 3 : 07 August 2024
Filter 4 : 06 August 2024
Filter 5 : 05 August 2024
Filter 6 : 02 August 2024
Filter 7 : 01 August 2024
Filter 8 : 31 July 2024
Filter 9 : 30 July 2024
Filter 10 : 29 July 2024
Filter 11 : 30 August 2024
Filter 12 : 29 August 2024
Filter 13 : 28 August 2024
Filter 14 : 27 August 2024
Filter 15 : 26 August 2024
Filter 16 : 23 August 2024
Filter 17 : 22 August 2024
Filter 18 : 21 August 2024
Filter 19 : 20 August 2024
Filter 20 : 19 August 2024
Acquevenete2 (ex CVS) Lonigo Last filter change:
Filter 1 : 13 August 2024
Filter 2 : 03 July 2024
(1) Acquevenete was born on 1 December 2017 from the merger between Centro Veneto Servizi (CVS) and Polesine Acque

PFAS - Water controls introduced into school